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How Inflammation Can Impact Your Body

Inflammation is a big topic these days and Jenny and I talk about why and how it can impact your diastasis recovery and some simple steps you can start taking right away to help.

PS Ignore the fact I freeze at the end! The alarm for my kids getting home from school went off - oops!

It was an amazing call (though we ended up chatting for 45 mins after answering everyone's questions 🙈 ): but they were amazing questions which range from:

- Anti-inflammatory diets and nursing - How much water do you really need - Inflammation and infertility - How to tell if you are impacted by inflammation

And so much more!

Jenny Carr is a speaker, leading inflammation expert, and the international best selling author of Peace Of Cake: The Secret To An Anti-Inflammatory Diet.

She survived a near-death experience due to an autoimmune condition, is healing through upholding anti-inflammatory living.

Jenny is on a mission to help others do the same.

Jenny specializes in helping people reverse these chronic symptoms by adopting and maintaining anti-inflammatory eating without feeling deprived or overwhelmed. Think cupcakes, pizza, bread, and muffins – the anti-inflammatory way!

Jenny offers VIP coaching as well as online courses. In fact, her doors have just opened for her signature 9-week online group coaching program, Have It ALL!

You can check it out here – but don’t wait the doors close EOD April 14th:


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